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Tuesday, 12 July 2011

dressage dvd

The Art of Classical Dressage with Arthur Kottas (8 parts):
Item #ACD
The Art of Classical Dressage (8 parts) - DVD
Part 1: Basics - Lungeing The HorseCorrect equipment, use of whip and lunge lines. Use of two rein lungeing to control the hindquarters. Lungeing alone or with a helper.
Part 2: Baiscs - Lungeing The Rider
Lungeing the junior rider, young rider and advanced rider. Loosening and gymnastic exercises designed to improve the rider's balance.
Part 3: From Novice/Elementary (First Level) via Medium (Second Level) to Advanced Medium (Third Level). From Snaffle to Double Bridle
Systematic training exercises, from Novice level thorugh to Grand Prix, designed to develop the horse in the shortest possible time without overfacing him.
Part 4: From Advanced Medium (Third Level) via Prix St. Geoges to Grand Prix
Exercises and movements for the advanced horse designed to encourage correct loosening and rounding the back, including work on a loose rein, over cavaletti and hacking out.
Part 5: Work In Hand
Correct equipment, use of whip and lunge lines when working alone and with a helper. Correct use of the whip to develop piaffe and passage. Work in hand with a mounted rider.
Part 6: Correct Corrections - The Most Common Faults In Horse And Rider
Basic faults with the seat and position of most riders and ways to improve this. Faulty application of hte aids - cause and improvement. Causes of the horse not accepting the bit and exercises to remedy this. Problems with rythm and impulsion - exercises to correct this. Temperament problems in the competition horse.
Part 7: Live Seminar
Training the horses and riders of all levels, immediate corrections and improvements. Edited from a 3-day dressage seminar.
Part 8: The Quality Of Basic Paces
Dissolvention, fact, drive and perviousment with relaxed, swinging dorsal muscles and lightly, regulary connection. The judgements are explained, way for success are demonstrated.

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