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Tuesday 12 July 2011

Dressage Training Tips

  1. The rider must constantly be thinking and keeping open the lines of communication with the horse remembering every horse is different and should be ridden as an individual
  2. A well trained horse will gain confidence in themselves by building on their physical capabilities in a gradual way so they can understand the task that they are being asked to do, the horse is a heard animal its from the knowledge of where he stands in the order of his life in terms of routine, consistency and repetition of his training.All these things increase their ability.
  3. Stay away from short cuts, they only exist in the minds of inpatient riders
  4. Remember Dressage equals quality not quantity
  5. The main aim of Dressage is to create harmony and balance between horse and rider
  6. At all times the rider must remain aware and promote mental self discipline
  7. The quality of the gaits takes precedence over all.
  8. Progressing comes through a gradual build up of correct training
  9. Go and watch as much good Dressage as you can

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