Permitted Bits for Dressage Classes
Unless bits follow the configuration of those illustrated below (as per the British Dressage rule book) they are not permitted. Where there is any doubt, guidance should be sought from the Chief Executive of British Dressage, in writing with a diagram.
Since memorizing dressage tests is a non-physical aspect of dressage, try to look at it from a classroom point of view: what learning style worked the best for you in school? Each person has a different learning style: visual, aural, verbal, physical, or logical. Some of them overlap. Different styles of learning uses different part of the brain. Dressage riders also can choose different options that can help them in memorizing a dressage test according to their own style of learning.
The next thing for the visual learner is to create a tiny cheat sheet of the test that can be put in a breech pocket or clipped to your belt. Make small diagrams of your test movements on 1 piece of index card paper. Then cover this paper with some clear packaging tape for protection. Punch a hole in the top, and put it a keychain clip. You are ready to ride your test with a cheat sheet on your hip.
For the aural and verbal style of learning, you would prefer to work with music and sound. This is where your favorite iPod or MP3 player comes in handy. Dictate the whole test on your iPod, MP3 player, voice recorder, or CD, movement by movement so you can listen to it over and over. You can also record it with the actual timing of the ridden tests and ride the test while listening to your iPod.
If you have a logical learning style and love brainteasers, try to think of your tests as a puzzle: After a halt, I turn right and the judge will be sitting on my left hand side. I’ll be trotting toward the arena gate, where I came in. Then I need to find the X by doing a trot loop, I’ll end up on the other side of the arena, away from, my back to the judge, and I will be looking at the “A” side of the dressage arena, when I entered my test. After passing an “A” entrance, I’ll be looking towards the bleaches (or video camera, flags, a tree, cows, friends, etc…) and as soon as I’ll see bleachers, I’ll start preparing for my canter depart. After the canter departs, I’ll be able to see the judge and take a couple of relaxing breaths. Then the most balanced movement comes in: the 20 m circle in the middle of the arena! After that, I’ll be cantering toward the judge and getting ready for the down trot transition right next to the judge, I almost will be able to hear the judge give my score – that’s how close the down trot transition is to the judge. The judge will be whispering on my left hand side during my down trot transition. My test caller will be standing at B and I will have to start my free walk right next to my test caller…. And so on.
Think of how you drive and how you remember the driving routes – that technique might help you to remember the dressage tests as well.
All learning styles can benefit from the DVD USDF “On the Levels” that shows the flow of the tests, gives visuals and sound.
If your horse is obedient enough to stand next to the show arena right before your test, try to watch the rider before you who is riding the same tests as you are and in your head, go over your test pattern one more time watching the rider before you.
There are many fun tools that can help you to memorize your dressage tests: colorful diagrams, small cheat sheets, iPods, DVDs, and puzzles. The key is effort and repetition, as well as refreshing your memory right before the test. To know your test, even if you are using a caller, can help to calm your show nerves as well.
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